Are you aware of your most powerful sacred space? Take a minute and think. Deep breath. Close your eyes and connect to your heart center, in the middle of your chest. That's it.
As cheesy as it sounds, yes love, love is your most powerful sacred space. Because in the end, and at the beginning, we are love.
So may I dare asking you the following: are you aware you are loved? Are you in love with yourself? Do you look at yourself in the mirror and think I am enough ? Can you connect to your core and be in love with your soul? Well, love, if your answer is no, it's time to reach out and begin your journey to well-being. The very good news is, it only takes baby steps to see the wonderful, powerful and creative you who lies beneath the surface.
So reach out, and let's talk. You are not alone. My mission is to be your guide.
You can listen to the Sacred Space meditation I created
on Insight Timer :

And you can also read the best-selling book SACRED SPACES 2 - Colleen Avis.
I wrote chapter 2. You can order it here :